Today's crossword, titled "The Nine" has everything you want and more: puns, current events and plenty of music references. How did I get all that worked into only 10 clues? Find out by playing:
Despite a small typo in my clues, yesterday's crossword puzzle was well received. Here's another one. I look forward to your feedback! Leave comments if you need additional hints!
As some of you know, I've gotten interested in writing crossword puzzles. It's fun and very challenging. I've been practicing by building small chunks.
To push myself forward, I have resolved to write and publish a little crossword each day relating to some current events.
Here's the first one. Please give it a try and let me know how I can do better. If you can't figure out an answer, let me know and I will give you some hints.
I'm almost getting scared to post these after only two days. You are all so much wordier than I am. Honestly, you people have to be using dictionaries. There's no way you know all those words.
I've now considered words that end in ak and ek. I've come up with only two so far:
trek and flak.
Please tell me what obvious ones I've missed this time!
There are plenty of words that end with the letter f. Thief, chief, beef, reef, just to name a few. There are far fewer words that end in if, rf and lf. Here are a few that I thought of during a meeting today: