Tuesday, November 16, 2004


So, we had a great dinner tonite for Shahrukh's birthday. Unfortunately, late in the meal (which was fully cooked in most cases), the conversation turned away from Shahrukh to various other subjects. Of most interest to you, reader, is the conversation we had about our "lusts" in the CS department. Many were real, but most weren't. Unfortunately, one anonymous person decided that he or she would blackmail me if I posted their identity. So, we'll just list the remaining quotations anonymously and using "aliases":
1. "That shrimp was succulent."
2. "*name* is a machine!"
3. "SR (tough my ...) is the hottest person in the department" (said by someone who may, or may not, work on Strata.)
4. "(in unison) Malathi" (one of the two saying that in unison may, or may not, have been the birthday boy himself)
5. "DB IS HOT!"

All in all, it was quite a night. Many of us revealed man crushes (okay, that was just me) and others tried to pay the waiter in exact change (again, that was just me).

I guess the take home idea today is this: when you roll into a place wearing a tshirt and a fleece jacket, the waitresses are bound to think you are hot!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I know that I am biased, however CNN had by far the best coverage tonite. The video wall at the Marketsite was absolutely incredible. It puts all the other networks to shame -- including the distant second place contestant NBC and Democracy Plaza. Btw, didn't they make it look like that map they used to use on Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Dan Rather on CBS had a physical map and a pencil. Hey Dan, Walter Cronkite called and he wants his election night technology back.

Overall, Wolf Blitzer gained big points with me tonite. Professional the whole time and factually accurate the entire night. Compared with miscues at MSNBC and Fox News (surprise, huh?), CNN is gold. I must say, however, Larry King has to have long since lost his mind. I didn't see this, but it was reported that he asked Wolf Blitzer how many representatives were in the Senate. He has been argumentative with both Carlos Watson and Jeff Greenfield the entire night. I was hoping that Wolf would drop him with an open handed slap.

If you wanna read very interesting commentary about the coverage, check out http://www.tvnewser.com.

As Peter Jennings would say, "can you say Ohio with a Floridian accent"?


Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Walking to class today I saw this written on a wall using chalk:
Kerry heart's Al Qaeda.

Okay, that's just wrong and disturbing. So, I figured that if conservatives are allowed to make things up, I'll make up something of my own. Here goes.

So, do you know why we haven't seen either Don Rumsfeld or Sadam Hussein lately? Is it because Rummy's been making the administration look bad? Is it because Sadam is under lock and chain in Iraq? No on both guesses. In fact, Rummy and Hussein have been enjoying long walks on the Iraqi beaches and picnics in the beautiful heartland of Northern Iraq. Imagine this conversation:
Rumsfeld: Isn't this wine wonderful? What a view too!
Sadam: Yes, amazing. As a matter of fact, I gassed the Kurds right over there.

How sad.

Happy election day.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

A Great Halloween Party


I just got back from a Halloween party and wanted to write a quick post about it. Normally I do not get invited to parties, and normally I am not all that comfortable with them even if I do get invited. Tonight's party, however, was much different. Everyone there had a great time and I did too. I learned new games (which shall remain nameless -- this is a family website!) and got made fun of for not having a costume. I must say that a male Dorothy (complete with slippers) was the BEST costume. Someone should really teach Dorothy how to sit like a real lady.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who organized and hosted -- I had a blast!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

An Update

I have to admit, I have been lax with this thing lately. However, things have been getting interesting recently. First, I must admit that I am definitely attracted to any media controversy that surfaces. This weekend, as many may know, Ashlee Simpson was embarassed by a lip-sync gone bad on SNL. Her dad and manager blamed it on acid reflux disease that caused her vocal chords to swell. According to the article linked below, she was given a cortisone shot so that she could sing in Monday night's Radio Music Awards. Honestly, I think most of us would have been happier if she had foregone the cortisone shot and lip sync'd again. Her dad also blamed the "wrong song" gaffe on the drummer starting the wrong track. You gotta love that guy -- a true class act. Also, someone on ebay was auctioning off her private cell phone number. All in all, a good weekend for the kid sister of Cincinnati favorite Jessica Simpson.

To read more, try this link:

As I said in the beginning of the post, I will try to stay more on top of this thing! Keep checking back for updates and email me or post comments if you really want to bother responding to this crap.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The New Place

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have moved into my new place in Charlottesville. I am struggling to find my way around and find the best places to eat and workout. I got my Internet access and cable recently and things have been much better -- I feel connected to the world again!

Anyways, please keep in touch using my UVa account!

I will post again soon with pictures of the move to the new place.


Saturday, July 31, 2004

First Post

Going along with the great Slashdot game of vying for the first post, I am titling this first blog message "First Post".

Of course I have worried about getting into blogging for fear of writing things that are self-indulgent. However, I realized that I have nothing to be worried about. Why? Because I have no idea what it means to be self-indulgent. With My Life recently published, people and critics have thrown around this phrase way too often without ever giving me, the listen/viewer, a solid working definition.

I guess a little introduction is in order as well. Actually, the only way that you would happen onto this blog is if you know me. So, no introduction needed.

In my next post I will reveal a photo-essay (in the style of CNN.com) of my move to Virginia. The players are dad, me and Amanda. Be ready for great pictures and (hopefully) witty commentary.