Saturday, July 31, 2004

First Post

Going along with the great Slashdot game of vying for the first post, I am titling this first blog message "First Post".

Of course I have worried about getting into blogging for fear of writing things that are self-indulgent. However, I realized that I have nothing to be worried about. Why? Because I have no idea what it means to be self-indulgent. With My Life recently published, people and critics have thrown around this phrase way too often without ever giving me, the listen/viewer, a solid working definition.

I guess a little introduction is in order as well. Actually, the only way that you would happen onto this blog is if you know me. So, no introduction needed.

In my next post I will reveal a photo-essay (in the style of of my move to Virginia. The players are dad, me and Amanda. Be ready for great pictures and (hopefully) witty commentary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Возвращаясь с работы, вы должны испытывать удовлетворение от самой работы. Не отчаивайтесь, хорошая работа ждет вас. Чтобы жить - надо уметь что-нибудь делать. Работай с умом, а не до ночи. Работа избавляет нас от трех великих зол: скуки, порока, нужды. Ленивый человек в бесчестном покое сходен с неподвижною болотною водою, которая, кроме смраду и презренных гадин, ничего не производит. неусыпный труд препятствия преодолевает. Работа, которую мы делаем охотно, исцеляет боли.

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