Monday, January 31, 2005


As all of you know, I am quite liberal. That being said, I think this is an incredible photo.

Note: The ink on her finger is what they used to make sure that people didn't vote more than once. It's definitely low-tech, but I guess it works.


Anonymous said...

that's such a good idea i think it'd be a beeotch to verify, but its a good start... unlike the diebold computer voting system of our past election this one seems like it might give truth a fighting chance

Anonymous said...

That photo is so photoshopped. That is actually arabian barbie up close.

Anonymous said...

Hey, dude! This is "the dude"! I'm just saying hey, because I haven't talked to you in like a year or something! Maybe if I see you again sometime we can "east as two kings"! Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Hey, dude! This is "the dude"! I'm just saying hey, because I haven't talked to you in like a year or something! Maybe if I see you again sometime we can "east as two kings"! Peace out!