Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Internet Crashes in Pakistan

What a great headline! But, alas, I cannot claim credit. That little gem of English was crafted by the folks at CNN. The full story can be found here.

I really love the fact that after almost 10 years of the mainstream Internet, reporters still think that the Internet can crash.

Of course, a more appropriate headline would have been "Internet Connectivity Crippled in Pakistan". An undersea cable was knocked offline by a faulty power system. It turns out that Pakistan operates only one land based connection to the rest of the Internet. Officials claim to operate a satellite based backup system which provides a much lower data rate.

Obviously! It has to go all the way through the atmosphere and then back down. Duh!

The article does not mention if intra-Pakistan Internet traffic was affected. I would assume that such communication remained available.

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