I just wanted to take this opportunity to present some further Wifi data that I collected today. This collection was particularly interesting.
Many people came and went giving me some insight into session length. I was able to capture the beginning and end of 11 sessions. The average session lasted 57 minutes. The longest session lasted 133 minutes (over 2 hours) and the shortest session was just over 1 minute in length. So, the 57 minute statistic may be slightly misleading.
I have included another pie chart below. A few observations are in order:
1. There were no p2p sessions.
2. There was less IMAP traffic this time.
3. There was no POP traffic.
This differs slightly from the previous statistics slightly. However, overall the picture looks the same -- lots of web!
From the data, I was also able to extract the sites visited by users (using DNS queries). It is hard to say anything about this data. However, it is obvious that webmail was a frequent destination of surfers: UVA webmail, hotmail, and gmail. Also, the DNS queries seem to indicate that many surfers frequent sites that are supported by Akamai technology -- very interesting.
In the next few days I hope to set up a website to facilitate country wide data collection. I would like to make it possible for a person to capture their own data and submit it. By letting people submit statistics, I think that I can create a picture of wifi statistics that are more applicable to the general population. One Panera in Charlottesville, VA does not a well-rounded study make!
Thanks for the comments about the study. Keep them coming!
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