Friday, July 01, 2005

The Pseudo Feud

Brooke Shields takes aim at Tom Cruise's comments about her dance with antidepressants.

Don't you just love it when celebrities feud?

Richard Karn: Welcome to Celebrity Feud. Today Scientology and Celebrity Mothers will face off. Before we meet the teams, let's have our first face off.
Karn: Welcome Tom and Brooke. Hands on the buzzers. We asked 100 people what they think of when they hear the word "pseudo".
Karn: Brooke?
Brooke Shields: Scientology
Karn: Good answer, show me Scientology!
Karn: Not bad. That was the second most common answer. Tom, for the steal?
Tom Cruise: Psychiatry?
Karn: Good answer, show me Psychiatry!
Karn: Oh, sorry Tom. That answer is not even on the board.
Cruise: Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard. You're being glib. Do you even know the history of Family Feud?
Karn: I know that Louie Anderson could have crushed you and all the followers of Scientology if he were still the host. Now, show me the number one answer!
Karn: Tom Cruise's relationship with Katie Holmes. Ouch. The Celebrity Mothers will control the game. Let's play the feud!

I guess it would go something like that.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At all times he thought the American Psychological Association and the AMA and CIA had hit men after him.

I'm trying to imagine AMA hit men. Do you think they kill their victims with an overdose of Vitimin C?