Monday, August 01, 2005

Atkins Bankrupt

As I predicted, the Atkins fad has come and gone. Today, however, the company formed to promote the diet has filed for bankruptcy protection.

If you say to yourself, "Fruit? Are you crazy?! Send me two more slices of bacon. That's on my diet!" then something is very wrong.

I do not blame the late Dr. Atkins. He realized the utility of the diet and that moderation is, as always, the key. He knew that Americans consume huge amounts of carbohydrates every day that are absolutely not necessary. He also knew that we need some carbs in our diets. His advocacy was aimed at reducing the excess amounts of carbs consumed every day.

So, go ahead and eat that processed flour loaf of bread this afternoon. Tomorrow you start on your new diet: South Beach. Oh wait, wasn't that the diet that almost killed former President Clinton? How can anyone keep up with these diets!

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