Monday, June 27, 2005

Doing not talking

The recent controversy about the Downing Street Memo (ref) has been well reported in liberal circles, but largely ignored by the popular press. This memo claims that the Bush administration decided to invade Iraq without completely exploring diplomatic solutions to the "problem", as they told the American people. In other words, war with Iraq was not a last resort as the administration would have Americans believe.

This is disturbing enough.

Today, however, the Times (those who broke the DSM story) revealed that Iraq bombings in the months before the invasion were in preparation for war and not for ethnic protection, as the administration claimed. The story also reveals that the British RAF was just as responsible for these bombings as the American forces.

Advance internal decision about war plans is deceitful enough. Actually perpetrating war actions. amidst claims that no war decision had been made, is horrifying.

When will the lies stop?

I am glad that, for whatever reason, the American people are starting to wise up about America's position in Iraq. Hopefully real change can be made.

Has it been four years yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Willie! I hope you're not listening to the "current president" telling more lies about Vietnam, I mean Iraq. I hear he's on TV right now and his lips are moving so he must be lying. Nice blog -- I'm a fan.