Friday, July 01, 2005

Adult Audiences Only

Recently "The Washingtonienne" has become the talk of the book community. The author, Jessica Cutler, lost her job and decided to move to Washington, DC. She got a job working on Capitol Hill in various low paying and low prestige jobs.

Apparently she "has a great personality" because she managed to frequent with some very influential people. Her friends were always bothering her about the details, so she decided to create a blog. That way, she thought, she could write it once and everyone could read it.

Much like Java (write once, run anywhere), that didn't work out as planned. The blog became public and she lost her job. That's not the end of the story for our DC vixen. She decided to capture her exploits in a book, titled "The Wasingtonienne."

This book is a huge seller. However, many people forget that the book was actually based on a blog. Last night, as I was bouncing around the blogosphere (awful name!), I came upon an archive of that original blog.

This blog is NC-17 at best. I had to cover my own eyes. I post this only because I know that someone out there has read the book and wondered if the original blog was still available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whenever discussing the various places Marilyn Monroe and JFK would "frequent," my friends and I always referred to them as the locations they would meet and "have congress". I think this particular phrase applies nicely here as well. ; )