Monday, July 11, 2005

Karl Rove heating up

Within the last week, Karl Rove's attorney admitted that his client talked with reporters previous to Robert Novak's disclosure of Valerie Plame's identity.

Just today, however, Newsweek has published the contents of emails sent by Time reporter Cooper to his editor characterizing those conversations. Through these emails, it is plain to see that Rove identified the CIA agent.

Whether or not this admission was willful (and thus criminal) is now in the hands of the Grand Jury and investigator Fitzgerald.

The White House will not comment on this or the President's vow to fire the person responsible for the leak. Press Secretary Scott McLellan claims that commenting on the story would impede the investigation. Hysterical.

Information about the White House's refusal to comment can be found in this story. The Newsweek report disclosing the contents of the emails between Cooper and his editor can be found here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I said it once, I've said it a hundred times. . . nothing bad is going to happen to Karl Rove. He's like gollum, you can't get rid of him. I mean, he could admit tomorrow that he enjoys eating babies for breakfast, and it would be the third story back on's political section, right behind Rick Santorum's new face-lift.

I mean, you are aware that this admitrations happily gets advice and assistance from people like Oliver North, and Henry Kissinger, right? Whats a few war crimes between friends???