Sunday, July 03, 2005

Karl Rove as Informant

Could Karl Rove have been the one to leak the identity of a CIA operative to reporters? This CNN article describes a Newsweek report that may answer this very question.

According to the article, Rove and Time magazine reporter Cooper had email contact prior to Time's revelation that Valerie Plame's was a CIA operative.

It is common knowledge that Rove has been able to manipulate the media and Bush's opponents in a way that no one else has. Little, however, is known about his methods for doing so. If this allegation is true, Rove's puppeteering ways could be no more.

There is no "characterization" of the contents of their email or personal correspondence. An independent investigation has been ongoing into this matter. I wonder what their final conclusion will be?

I have my own opinion. What's yours?

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