Thursday, July 14, 2005

Linux Clean

Reposts from Slashdot are not normally my cup of tea, but this one is just too good to pass up.

The fine investigative reporting at Groklaw has revealed an email that was sent in 2002 to the CEO of SCO. This email reports on an extensive audit of the Linux source code. The audit was commissioned by SCO in hopes that copyright violations would be found to validate their claims and support legal action. Unfortunately, the auditor couldn't find any violations.

For those of you who are not abreast of news in the software community, SCO has been pursuing copyright infringement claims against Linux. SCO believes that there are cases where code that it owns was copied verbatim into Linux. Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, has long maintained that the Linux code was clean.

SCO's case against Linux was already weak. Attorneys supporting Linux from Red Hat and IBM have done an excellent job of fighting the lawsuit. This may be just the evidence they need to ensure that the lawsuit finally be dismissed.

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